Māori Oral Tradition in the Library

Tuesday 26 June 2018

7.00 – 7.30pm drinks & nibbles

7.30 – 8.30pm author talk

Join us at Devonport Library to hear Jane McRae speak about the importance of nineteenth-century Māori manuscripts to her research for Māori Oral Tradition and to the survival of the oral tradition. The event will be chaired by Te Awhina Arahanga from Ngāi Tahu.

“Māori oral tradition is the rich, poetic record of the past handed down by voice over generations through whakapapa, whakataukī, kōrero and waiata. A voice from the past, today this remarkable record underpins the speeches, songs and prayers performed on marae and the teaching of tribal genealogies and histories. Indeed, the oral tradition underpins Māori culture itself. This book introduces readers to the distinctive oral style and language of the traditional compositions, and it shows how ngā kōrero tuku iho – the inherited words – can be a deep well of knowledge about the way of life, wisdom and thinking of the Māori ancestors.” Publisher description.

ANZAC Eve books launched.

ANZAC Eve Book Launch

Two ANZAC diggers – one who lost his mind

and the other who remembered every detail.

Come along to the launch of two powerful new ANZAC biographies; Odyssey of the Unknown Anzac and Gallipoli to the Somme: Recollections of a New Zealand Infantryman.

Devonport Library

Tuesday 24 April 2018

7pm to 9pm

An Evening of Poetry – Poetry NZ Yearbook 2018

An Evening of Poetry – Poetry NZ Yearbook 2018

An Evening of Poetry Antipodean poets celebrate the launch of the Poetry New Zealand Yearbook 2018 at Devonport Library

Tuesday 20 March, 7 pm

Koha appreciated Join us for an evening of words and wine. Proudly brought to you by the Devonport Library Associates and Massey University Press, the evening will feature readings by ten poets, including Elizabeth Morton, Alistair Paterson, and Albert Wendt.

Keep Tuesday 24 April free for our next event: Two new books, two authors, two Anzacs. One who lost all memory and the other who remembered every minute detail.

Find out more: phone 09 301 0101 or visit aucklandlibraries.govt.nz/ AuckLibraries @Auckland_Libs