A Brief History

Devonport Library Associates was founded in 1969 by a group of friends, Muriel Lloyd Pritchard (Professor of Economics at AU), Shirley Brickell (potter Barry Brickell’s mother), and Mary Haines (the ‘Colonel’s Lady’). They were helped by Professor Sidney Musgrove (Professor of English at AU), who was the first Patron.

DLA held its first formal meeting on 8th July 1969 and the first AGM was held on 20th November 1970. The aims and objects were generally to assist the Devonport Library to expand its facilities. At the time it was unusual for a borough as small as Devonport to provide a public library service.

In past years, the Associates were instrumental in providing, amongst other things an art collection for hire, a full set of 1;5000 NZ maps, the nucleus of a CD hire collection, the Brickell Ferry Tiles, the portrait of Kevin Ireland, the Borough Centennial Pottery, and numerous books. The Associates republished Tom Walsh’s History of Devonport, and published biographies of two significant Devonport authors, Isabel Maud Peacocke and Hector Bolitho. They have identified and put plaques around Devonport on the homes of local writers.

The DLA has also built a collection of the works of Devonport authors, past and present. Since there are around 30 published authors living locally, many of whom have produced multiple works, the collection is now significant.

Since 2017 there have been numerous events featuring prominent writers. Many of them are members of our community, such as Dame Anne Salmond, Dave Veart, Roger Hall, Graeme Lay, Julia Gatley, Geoff Chapple and Michele Leggott. These events are popular with both Devonport and wider Auckland, regularly attracting audiences of over 100 people to the Library. Some of these events have been filmed and can be found on the website’s ‘Videos’ page.